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Marketing Masterplan Digital Book

Learn how to plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business.

What will I learn:

  • Purpose - Learn how to establish your business aims and set those measurable marketing objectives;
  • Intelligence - Learn how to define your target audience; Analyse your competitors; and complete a SWOT Analysis;
  • Proposition - Learn how to define your Brand Value Proposition and create a Unique Selling Proposition;
  • Tools - Learn how to review your existing marketing tools to plan the specific tactics across digital (web, social media, email...) and traditional media (direct mail, PR and events);
  • Conversion - Learn how to determine which tools and channels are the most effective at each stage of the conversion funnel and how / when they will be implemented;
  • Results - Learn how to set those key metrics for measuring all your marketing activity, across digital and traditional platforms - whilst keeping a close eye on your ROI!

244 pages including worksheets, templates, charts and guides to help you plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business.