About me

Simon Clayton -

Your Marketing Coach


Welcome to Marketing Skills AcademyĀ 

This is my story...

When people ask about experience, I tell them that I served my 'apprenticeship' for two decades...

My first 20 years in business were spent in marketing agencies spanning Teesside, Newcastle, Manchester and London. In between which were three years spent as a marketing manager for a regional kitchen and bathroom company.

These are the years that I consider my 'apprenticeship' – over which time I planned, implemented and delivered a wide array of marketing campaigns for organisations throughout the public, private and third sectors - from SMEs to global brands, charities to the British Government.

I set up my first side hustle in 2005...

It was meant to be a part-time gig. One that gave me a bit of pocket money - a labour of love, if you will. Within 12 months it was turning over £148K, which grew to £400K within three years. I subsequently sold the business two years later (and that's another story).

In 2014, I became a busy fool...

In 2014, I launched my very own full-service marketing agency. Soon, I realised that being ‘all things to everyone’ was making a busy fool of me. I had to refocus. And I did. Soon it became clear as to what I wanted to achieve in my professional life.

In 2017, I launched Marketing Skills Academy

Those twenty years spent in the agency scene served me well, because I knew just how easily business owners are convinced to outsource their marketing.

They are encouraged (or even strong armed) into not taking ownership nor to truly understand what marketing steps and strategies should be taken (or avoided).

I reacted to the lack of real-world, no BS business resources by creating one...

I called it the ‘Marketing Masterplan’ – it’s my first coaching program and book,  written for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Between its pages is a depth of knowledge that they need to put a powerful strategic marketing plan into action.

I coach, support and guide business owners, entrepreneurs and in-house marketing managers...

I also guest lecture as a digital marketing specialist at both Teesside and Newcastle Universities, working with undergraduates as well as Masters and PhD Research Students.

I’m a 'people person'...

I love networking, meeting new people and putting in the work to create mutually beneficial business relationships (I’ve been a member of my local business groups for more than 20 years). I’m also a member of the Institute of Digital and Direct Marketing (MIDM); Chartered Management Institute (MCMI) and the UK Marketing Network.

I’ve got a right-hand man. He’s hairy. And he’s called Elvis...

He’s also a Border Terrier, and he keeps me seriously active (up and down the rolling fells and hills of the Lake District, North Yorkshire and Northumberland, kind of active).

"Simon is a marketing genius. His enthusiasm and positive attitude is infectious and we always came away from our marketing sessions full of enthusiasm and brimming with ideas! He gives you all of the support, tools and confidence to create amazing marketing strategies for your business. I can't recommend him enough."

Claire H.
Operations Director

Subscribe to my mailing list and receive my free guide ‘How to create your Marketing Masterplan Blueprint’

A six stage process to help you plan, create and implement your marketing strategies and grow a profitable business.

"Simon has the perfect mix of professional know-how and people skills to make working with him a real pleasure. My words cannot do his professionalism and character justice. Never before have I met someone who looked after our business with such genuine interest, which drove commercial success. I look forward to working with him long in to the future."

Nick M.
Hotel Revenue Manager



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